
Providing a personalised service with consultations customised to your specific needs.  

Consultation costs will be provided to you on receipt of your request or clinic referral 
Your fee includes pre-consultation review time, consultation and a comprehensive summary report. 
Your personalised report summarises the discussion and is for you to refer to at a future date and available for you to share with specialists involved in your on-going clinical care 
Appointments can usually be arranged within 1 week 
Summary reports will be sent to you via secure encryption within 3 working days 
A streamlined service to help you progress your fertility journey 

Reproductive science genetic specialist consultations 

Donor gamete selection /co- carrier risk/testing options 
Consultation for donor gamete selection to understand status of donor, risks and choices available for selected donor. (Additional fee of £50 per donor if review of more than 2 donors are requested) 
Carrier Check for testing specific genes of interest for a known carrier including pre and post test counselling 
Analysis of additional genes from a known carrier (within 2 years of Carrier Check) 
Extended Carrier Screening matched to donor including pre and post test counselling 
If proceeding to testing from prior consultation £150 is deducted from package fee .  
Personalised genetic acknowledgement form to use donor without genetic screening 
From £860 
General /Follow up consultations/Second opinion 
For example, general enquiry in fertility genetics in relation to family history, review of carrier screening/karyotype 
From £250 
Pre-conception Carrier screening individual/couple 
Carrier Check for testing specific genes of interest for a known carrier including pre and post test counselling 
Analysis of additional genes from a known carrier (within 2 years of Carrier Check ) 
Pre and post counselling and carrier screen test for individual (1 to 750+ genes) 
Following pre test counselling if a decision is made to not proceed with carrier testing, consultation fee of £75 only is charged. 
Pre and post counselling and carrier screen test for individual and partner (1 to 750+ genes) 
Following pre test counselling if a decision is made to not proceed with carrier testing, consultation fee of £75 only is charged.  
From £785 

Reproductive science genetic specialist consultations preimplantation genetic testing 

Mosaic embryo(s) 
Consultation to discuss status of embryos and review to understand embryo transfer potential. 
Personalised mosaic consent  
Consultation reviewing - fertility history including IVF, family history, pre PGT-A and test results post PGT treatment 
Consultation to review/ collate and summarise reports to propose genetic testing pathway with benefits and limitations within treatment plan. 
For clinic consenting, liaison and enrolment with genetic testing laboratory and test development 
NB: (if from the initial family history/condition this will require significant extra work, eg requesting reports from the other providers / overseas/arranging DNA samples/ HFEA application for condition or HLA matching tol be advised at the review consultation and charged at £70 per additional hour of work required to set up) 
PGT -SR (Preimplantation genetic testing for chromosome rearrangments 
Consultation to review/ collate and summarise reports to propose genetic testing pathway with benefits and limitations within treatment plan. 
Includes personalised evaluation of the familial re-arrangement; liaison with genetics laboratory to obtain detection translocation imbalance report. 

For professionals - clinics, donor banks, work place 

Guidance – setting up a genetic service provision (project scoping, management, implementation and training 
Please contact for quotation 
* Fees quoted in sterling, for overseas clients, there is an additional fee for currency conversion – please contact the clinic for details